Laura Lynn was born on the 16th of June, she is 3 now. Laura is our only child that was born at home using a midwife. I wish I could've had all of my children at home, it's the only way to do it if circumstances allow. Thanks to our Midwife Stephanie Fritz for her knowledge, experience, confidence, and her great attentiveness to a mother in labor!

Ice cream sandwich cake!

It was 10 yrs. ago June, 15th that these two big boys were born 6 wks early. By the Grace of our Lord they entered this world weighing 4 lbs 12 ozs and 4 lbs 15 ozs. They tried to arrive 2 months early. I was put on bed rest 2 months prior to their due date. The Lord blessed us with many, many, people who helped us during this time. Thanks to all of the many friends and family that helped us during that time. Paul D. and Mitchell were born at Tucson Medical Center, They spent 2 wks in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.

Paul D. and Mitchell requested one of our favorites for their birthday dinner, Sweet and Sour Pork.
Holy, Holy B-day cake Son-of-a-ice-cream!!! Geez Paul D, Mitchel E, and Heather did you guys eat all that cake buy your self? Or did you share it with your big Pa, if I was there I would have ate so much I would have to go make some slush!! in the slush bowl, ye he he he he, Well happy birthday to you all!!!!!
Love you all!
Uncle Big E, Diana, Kayl, Ansley, Adalyn and baby :-)
Happy Birthday, Paul, Mitchell, and Heather!
It looks like you had a nice birthday. Were you all missing that snow that you needed to have a frozen birthday cake?! It must be, finally, warming up out there!
God bless you all!
The Mezzell Family
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