Sunday, July 12, 2009

Nebraska Trip (day one)

We took a trip to Nebraska to visit the George Family, Hickey Family, and the Shreves Family. Our first day there we were able to join Jim Shreves, who is a professional house mover, and see up close how they move houses. DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME!

Building the "Cribbing"

Hydraulic jacks lift the house.

Placing the beams over the axles. Each axle is equipped with a hydraulic jack that can be operated independently by the truck driver like the fifth wheel.

The rollers are set in place.
The Bobcat pulling the house over the axles.

This rig has a fifth wheel that allows the truck driver to raise or lower the house to accommodate obstacles as it travels, for example: Road signs, gaurd-rails, mail boxes, etc... Notice the nobby tires for extra traction when you're throwing a rooster through the Nebraska slush.

Now the house is ready to hit the road to it's new location.

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